Presenting Remember Mongolia podcast #5!

Take 15 minutes to hear three key things that you can pray for this month.  This is media geared for those groups committed to to praying for Mongolia for one hour every month.  I sincerely hope and pray that you find this useful.  If you want to know more about pray:Mongolia, please contact us for more info.

Some links from the podcast:

I mention an article in which there are 19,000 sex workers in Mongolia. It's worth reading. Then praying.

I don't mention this in the podcast, but please pray for and support Remember Nhu.  This wonderful organization is seeking to place a home in Ulaanbaatar.

The final quotation is from Michael Card's book "The Hidden Face of God". If you have not read this, order it today through the link below:

The Hidden Face of God: Finding the Missing Door to the Father Through Lament

The RememberMongolia Podcast is on iTunes.  Search iTunes for Remember Mongolia or go here.

Again, we thank you for your support and your partnership. Listen. Connect. Pray.


And again ... thank you.