Vicki Adrian brings a daily dose of inspiration
and education for entrepreneurs and savvy retailers! Today we're
continuing our Periscope series on Theming your Work Days.

Tuesday's Focus (in my business) is Marketing & Social
Media. Now this can look different for every business owner, so you
have to set your own themes and schedule for what is a good "fit"
for you. However, every business MUST continually be marketing to
both your existing and potential clients, so this is a very
important part of the week!

Tuesday is probably my favorite day of the week, because I
naturally love marketing and am fueled up by the creativity that
this day allows. Here is where I like to start on Tuesdays…

Write, produce and schedule our stores weekly email newsletter.
This takes at least an hour, as our store’s emails are very
informative, full of things that I know my customers like, such as
how to videos, delicious recipes, features on new products that are
coming out, sharing of what we found at market, highlights from a
recent event in the store, or promotion of one that is soon to
happen, etc.

Tuesday is also the day that I look ahead to plan other
marketing. We also do traditional forms of advertising such as
television, radio, newspaper, catalogs, postcards, brochures, etc.
so Tuesday is the day that I devote to creating our ads, meeting
deadlines, setting our marketing schedule, etc. This way, my mind
stays on the same path, and I am better at coordinating our
advertising efforts across all of these mediums.

Today’s ACTION Plan:

I want to be in full disclosure here…just in case you think that
my week runs in perfect accord with what themes I have on each day,
it just doesn’t work out like that! My life has it’s fair share of
craziness just like yours does. Things go wrong. Ice Storms Hit. A
staff member gets sick. You have a week of market and get off
schedule…that’s real life.

However, by theming your days, you know right where to get back
on to get your most important work done! Also, I don’t spend all
day working only on the “theme” for that day. The change I have
made though, is that I am not jumping around from theme to theme as
I know that if it is marketing work, it will be done on Tuesday. If
it is financial, I will take care of it on Monday, etc. Of course,
there are always exceptions!

We’ve got a helpful FREE resource for you today! Would you take
a minute after this episode ends and stop by On the right side of the page, you’ll see
my picture…click the button to sign up for our email list and
you’ll get a link to our Remarkable Retailer Resource book right
away. I think you’ll find some great information there!

Thank you for joining us! I would love to have you join our
community at

~Vicki Adrian

[email protected]