I am on the same journey and quest to become a Remarkable Retailer that you are on…and have tried many different approaches to product selection over the years, but one decision that we made many years ago has continued to pay off in a variety of ways. To be a Remarkable Retailer or an Exceptional Entrepreneur, you must step outside of your comfort zone and do something that other businesses are NOT doing!

My friend and co-worker, Sandy Brooks gave me a new book titled “Crazy is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging when everyone else Zags” by Linda Rottenberg, and although I have only had the opportunity to read the beginning chapters, I do feel that it describes “Remarkable Retailers & Exceptional Entrepreneurs” very well! I’ll put the information about this book in the show notes for you.

That one decision I talked about earlier was the decision to commit to a Gourmet Foods/Kitchenware Department in our store, and stop dabbling in foods and take our selection and our service to a new level. 


Today we’re going to talk about 5 Great Reasons to Go Gourmet!!!