Each year I choose a “mantra” or theme that I endeavor to strive towards, and this Preparation=Opportunity quotation has been my theme for 2014. I had my iPad cover personalized with this quote, have it easily accessible on my computer, and it is posted at my desk as well. Lest you think that I have perfected this, and have arrived fully prepared at every meeting, ready to take on the world, I will tell you an unequivocal, NO! In fact, I think the more I have concentrated on this, the less prepared I have been!

So what does this quote really mean? 
It means there’s no such thing as “luck” because being prepared when an opportunity presents itself takes conscious effort. It may look like luck… but it’s not. It’s because of careful planning. It’s the work that happens behind the scenes that makes it look effortless. The difference between lucky and unlucky people, is in our perspective, and in the effort and dedication we put into preparation. You have to “do your homework”, and come fully prepared to take on new opportunities.