Join Rolando, Nicole, and Eddie this week as they embark on a nostalgic journey, revisiting the chaotic world of Scott Pilgrim. From grappling with their own histories of crazy exes to reflecting on the whirlwind days of being wayward 20-somethings, the trio dives deep into the 2010 film, 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.' Is Scott Pilgrim truly a 'dick'? Rolando makes his case, but is that precisely the essence of this iconic film? Explore what makes it a time capsule of its era and whether it still resonates today.

But the adventure doesn't stop there. The spotlight shifts to the 2023 Netflix reimagining, 'Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.' With a switch to animation, does the franchise maintain its freshness? Can aging actors breathe life into younger characters, and can the animated series offer a new depth to Ramona Flowers? Tune in for a lively discussion as we unravel the layers of Scott Pilgrim's world, examining its past and exploring the exciting terrain of its animated future. Don't miss out on the laughs, insights, and revelations in this dynamic episode!


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