The Man Who Would Be King IMDB Theatrical Trailer Rent: Amazon • iTunes • Netflix Disc Buy: DVD • BluRay • iTunes Welcome to the first film in our new Hidden Gems series, where one host picks a movie that they know and love, but that none of the other hosts have seen. Up first is Andy’s […]

The Man Who Would Be King

Theatrical Trailer
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Welcome to the first film in our new Hidden Gems series, where one host picks a movie that they know and love, but that none of the other hosts have seen. Up first is Andy’s pick ‘The Man Who Would Be King’, an epic that bridges the gap between the Lawrence of Arabia’s that came before it, and the Indiana Jones’ that came after it. Featuring great performances from Sean Connery and Michael Caine, and feeling at times like a recruitment video for free-masons, it’s kinda like Spies Like Us, only not funny. But seriously, you should see it, or not, and then listen!

Actors, Actress, Movies, and Links discussed

Rudyard Kipling
The Man Who Would Be King (Book)
Sean Connery rockin’ a Tankini in Zardoz
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
First Knight
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Bridge on the River Kwai

Remakers Mark episodes about The Bridge on the River Kwai

Battlefield Earth
This Is How Michael Cain Speaks – The Trip
Spies Like Us

Next movie – Gone With the Wind

Theatrical Trailer
Rent: AmazoniTunes • Netflix Disc
Buy: DVD • BluRayiTunes