Nick Martin is an educator, technologist, and social entrepreneur with over 15 years experience working in social impact. He's the founder and CEO of TechChange, a Washington, D.C. based social enterprise that builds world-class online courses and events on topics that matter for hundreds of leading social sector organizations.


Nick is also a faculty member at Columbia and Georgetown Universities and sits on the board of PopTech, a global network committed to the vanguard of emerging technology, science, exploration, and creative expression.




In this conversation we talk about:

Growing up at the intersection of politics and creativity with a dad who was chief of staff for Ronald Reagan, and a mother who is a weaver and an artist. Studying education and human rights in Costa Rica, then starting a first unsuccessful nonprofit before finally starting TechChange.


We also discuss:

The failures of higher ed. The promise of online learning in democratizing knowledge and making it accessible. And many other topics.


This conversation with Nick is one of dozens of upcoming conversations that we have lined up for you with bestselling authors, designers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and thinkers who are changing our world for the better. So follow this show on your favorite podcast app if you don't want to miss these episodes.


And now let's jump right in with Nick Martin.




[2:46] Life During Covid

[5:20] Early Childhood Driving Forces

[9:25] Divergent Paths

[10:31] Peace in a Rainforest

[14:25] A Foray Into Nonprofits

[17:41] The Birth of TechChange

[21:02] A Variety of Experts

[22:52] Reactions and Demand

[25:11] The Heart of the TechChange Model

[30:53] Higher Education Design Flaws

[36:37] Creating Alternative Brands

[39:15] Evolving Education

[45:43] The Essence of Online Engagement

[49:44] Nonprofit Challenges

[57:14] A Short Sermon



Nick's Links
🌍 TechChange 🌍 PopTech 🏫 Columbia | SIPA 🏫 Georgetown University 🏫 GW Elliott School of International Affairs 🏫 University for Peace 💼 LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile 📣 Twitter: @ncmart 📺 YouTube Channel Other Links 💻 Coursera 💻 MOOC 💻 altMBA



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