In this week’s program we begin a three part adventure tracing the  musical influence of modernist titans Igor Stravinsky and Arnold  Schoenberg from the early 1900s to the present day.

In part one  we start with the first performance on the Le Sacre du Printemps, 100  years ago in 1913, and uncover the path that lead all the way to late  20th and 21st century minimalism.

Hosted by Seth Boustead

Produced by Jesse McQuarters

Igor Stravinsky – The Firebird

Igor Stravinsky – Le Sacre du Printemps

Aaron Copland – Hear Ye! Hear Ye!:Chorus Girls Third Dance Pas-de-Deux #3

Edgard Varèse – Amériques

Béla Bartók- Miraculous Mandarin

Igor Stravinsky – Pulcinella

Igor Stravinsky – Symphony in C: 3. Allegretto

Louis Andriessen – De Staat

Steve Reich – City Life