The Narcissism of Small Differences in Healthcare: Building a Unified Village for Patient-Centric Solutions

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In this inbetweenisode of 'Relentlessly Seeking Value,' Stacey Richter discusses the concept of the 'Narcissism of Small Differences' and its implications for the American healthcare industry. Richter explores how minor disagreements can prevent collaboration among healthcare professionals who share the same overarching goals. She emphasizes the need for unity to combat the profit-driven motives of large healthcare corporations and improve patient care. The episode also examines the role of conferences, the moral complexities faced by individuals within large entities, and the importance of focusing on collective goals rather than getting bogged down by insignificant differences. Richter encourages building a village of diverse yet aligned individuals to achieve meaningful healthcare reform.

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00:42 What “the narcissism of small differences” means.

02:18 How does this narcissism of small differences show up in the effort to fix the healthcare industry?

05:26 Quote from Jeff Hogan.

10:12 “What did the work we do add up to?”

16:31 Why we shouldn’t judge someone for working within the “belly of the beast.”