Jed Constantz, DBA

As a Healthcare Finance and Delivery Strategic Consultant, Dr. Constantz ensures existing and prospective clients receive maximum value from current and future strategies and initiatives. In previous roles, Jed advised employers on measures to develop regional and community-based physician accountability and commitment through means of enhanced benefits and reduced costs; with the significant benefit of creating sustained loyalty between providers, patients and payers. He has successfully offered strategies that built on four pillars: actionable data, physician alignment, high-risk member targeting and network re-engineering.

Having begun his career on the payor’s side of healthcare (Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Central New York), Dr. Constantz has served in several positions for hospitals, home health agencies, physician organizations and physician/hospital organizations. Over his 30 plus years in healthcare, Jed has developed tools and resources for primary care providers and employers seeking to reduce costs, drive greater efficiency and quality outcomes and thereby create a “featured-and-favored” network in their regions and community. This process includes a deep focus on the selection of the right community of primary care physicians and specialists, a thorough audit of existing patient and population data, commitment to accountable care standards and improved compensation for the physician.

The end-objective is a better healthcare delivery model with an alignment of “enlightened self-interests” and a balance between rewards and value for the employer, employee and provider. For the employer, the financial benefits are immediate with on-going healthcare savings, a healthy workforce, and improved physician relationships. The provider can see greater patient volumes, improved care standards and compensation tied to performance. The employee will feel an improvement in care and attention, benefit with reduced out-of-pocket expenses and sense a higher level of satisfaction.

You can learn more by visiting Jed on his LinkedIn page.