It's automated testing with Pete Richardson! The gang talks end-to-end testing nirvana to make smoother days and restful nights. Also: Plenty of tooling is discussed and we refrain from saying "boogers" until about minute 18. Lee gets in a jab at Eclipse. If you don't like Javascript maybe you should try VBScript ca. 2001. Jorge likes manually allocating data to processor registers.


Mentioned in this episode:

Brightstreet Group
Selenium Grid
"We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."
MyHealth (Spectrum Health)
Javascript: the Good Parts
The Mythical Man Month

Picks of the week:

Pete: BOSS Loopstation
Jorge: Building Jorge's computer
Lee: Ed Finkler (@Funkatron)
Lee: Open Sourcing Mental Illness
Lee: So you want to give a talk on mental health
Lee: Take This (It's Dangerous to Go Alone.)

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