Special guest Cheryl Platz joins the program. She’s the author of the new book, “Design Beyond Devices.” We discuss all the different ways we communicate with machines, how they respond, and how we as designers can be more intentional about all of it.

Special guest Cheryl Platz joins the program. She’s the author of the new book, “Design Beyond Devices.” We discuss all the different ways we communicate with machines, how they respond, and how we as designers can be more intentional about all of it.

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Guest Starring:

Cheryl Platz

Links and Show Notes: Support Presentable with a Relay FM Membership The Book: Design Beyond Devices: Creating Multimodal, Cross-Device Experiences - Rosenfeld Media Microsoft Inclusive Design Cheryl Platz's Website Ideaplatz Cheryl Platz (@funnygodmother) on Twitter

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