How do product reviewers work? Do the people who evaluate gadgets for your favorite sites do rigorous testing, or rely on their gut to form an opinion? And who are they writing for? We talk with two people who review tech products about what it takes to write an authoritative post that people looking to buy will actually want to read.

How do product reviewers work? Do the people who evaluate gadgets for your favorite sites do rigorous testing, or rely on their gut to form an opinion? And who are they writing for? We talk with two people who review tech products about what it takes to write an authoritative post that people looking to buy will actually want to read.

This episode of Parallel is sponsored by:
SoundSource, from Rogue Amoeba: A superior sound control. Get 20% off.

Guest Starring:

Scott Davert and Kelly Guimont

Links and Show Notes: Support Parallel with a Relay FM Membership Fakespot | Analyze and identify fake reviews and counterfeits BrailleSense U2 MINI - HIMS inc Matias Tactile Pro Keyboard for Mac: Network Server 700/150 Specs: The New Baum VarioUltra -