We're all a lot less objective than we give ourselves credit for. David & Mike attempt to figure out why by considering limiting beliefs, learning loops, and the slippery slope of self-sealing logic.

We're all a lot less objective than we give ourselves credit for. David & Mike attempt to figure out why by considering limiting beliefs, learning loops, and the slippery slope of self-sealing logic.

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Links and Show Notes: Deep Focus: Extended episodes with bonus deep dive content. Liminal Thinking by Dave Gray | Amazon Bookworm #124: Liminal Thinking by Dave Gray Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy | Amazon Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon | Amazon Mindset by Carol Dweck | Amazon Getting Things Done by David Allen | Amazon Die Empty by Todd Henry | Amazon The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen | Amazon MacSparky You are Now Less Dumb by David McRaney | Amazon Think Again by Adam Grant | Amazon