Jay is an ideate. Kathy is an executioner and that is why they work so well together. Learn where you fit in the spectrum and what you can do to sway those around you that are on the other side of it.

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Links and Show Notes: Checked Connections

- Jay ✅ - Use the new model to finish the workshop and start the next one

- Kathy ✅ - Risky Naps

Keep sending those MyConduit Connections to us on Discord and through Feedback!

New Connections

- Jay - give people the ability to come up with the ideas and support them in their ability to ideate/execute

- Kathy - Make a cozy place to finish the project that needs to happen

For Our Super Conductors:

Pre Show: Jay’s getting new floors that are going to make life difficult for a few weeks and Kathy is making things too hard trying to keep her plants alive! Also what are two scents that are good on their own but smell terrible together.

Post Show: Candy Bar Tier List


Audio Editor: Dear Podcast

Music: When You Smile
Executive Producers: Relay FM Discord Community

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