In this episode, Leah discusses her favourite topic 'How to prepare for behavioural interviews'.  This topic is close to her heart as she remembers her first behavioural interview after completing university which was a complete train wreck.  She now aims to ensure that others don't endure the same dreadful experience.

In this interview, Leah discusses the following:

What is a behavioural interviewWhat is the purpose of a behavioural interviewHow to best prepare for a behavioural interviewWhat is the 'STAR' or 'STARLA' methodWhere candidates typically go wrong during behavioural interviewsHow Relaunch Me can help you prepare for your next behavioural interview

At Relaunch Me, we coach clients preparing for behavioural interviews across all industries including government, emergency services (firefighter, paramedic, police, customs/border force), graduate/clerkships, legal, accounting, HR, information technology, design, community services, nursing, teaching, engineering, property & construction and many more.

For further information on how we can assist you prepare for your next behavioural interview - click here.

If you are requiring support with finding your 'best fit' career, preparing for your next interview or need help with writing a Resume or LinkedIn Profile that will cut through the noise, then contact Leah Lambart and the team at Relaunch Me for further information or to book a coaching session.

If there is a career that you would like to learn more about, the please email me at [email protected] to make a suggestion.

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