Cena Block, the founder of Sane Spaces, shares her career transition from corporate and how she became a guru in helping busy moms to get organized.


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Check out Cena's book Time to Toss It: Get uncluttered and organized

The resource Cena mentioned (and we use too!) ASANA

Connect with Cena on her website, Facebook and Twitter.

Cena Block is the founder of "Sane Spaces" and creator of the Time & Space Style Inventory (TSSI™). As a small business systems strategist, radio host, speaker, and author, Cena helps smart, savvy moms-on-a-mission who are short on time, gain clarity, get organized, systematize workflows, and get support so they can create profit within part time hours! Her ideal client struggles to balance four key priorities: her drive to succeed, the pull to support her growing family’s needs, the desire to create a profitable and sustainable business, and still work on her own flexible terms!

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