On the show, Chief Infodoodler, and, as named by Fast Company magazine in 2011, one of the most creative entrepreneur on Twitter and in business - is author, TED speaker and doodling evangelist, Sunni Brown.

Outside the norm? Yeah me too. Learn how to harness it. Read Sunni's first book - Gamestorming: A playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers.

Follow Sunni on TwitterFacebookGoogle Plus, and visit her site.

Pei and I try to add value with every show we put out. We know that your time is at an all-time premium these days, which is why we do our best to  bring you the best insights and interviews possible, with the people who can help you move the needle in your own biz and life.

The show today might sound a little different than you're used to hearing. While most guests talk about a ReLaunch! they've already experienced (looking back gives perspective and learning opportunities), Sunni talks about challenges she's currently facing in her life and relationship and was bold and courageous enough to sort through some of her stuff on the air.

We recognize that you may be going through a tough spot too and this show might give you the idea or solution you're looking for. Do us a favor, if you got value from this show, TWEET ME and tell us why.  

Need a plan for how to think differently? Read Sunni's bestseller - The Doodle Revolution: The power to think differently.


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