On the show, global keynote speaker (TEDx, SXSW, Web 2.0, WSJ Digital), author, 15 year acting veteran, and social media expert John C Havens.

Follow John on TwitterFacebookGoogle Plus, and visit his site.

John's Backstory >>> With ministerial aspirations early in life, he wanted to do work that mattered, for people who cared. Unfortunately, as often happens, life threw him a couple of curve balls that triggered unplanned for, unwelcome life events (the loss of his father and of his job in his mid 40s), that shook the foundation he stood and was depending on.

Take a peek at Hacking Happiness and Tactical Transparency.

As with most life-changing moments, it caused him to reevaluate his life, values, priorities, and legacy. His conclusion - He wanted to find happiness (Seems obvious right?) and he wanted to help others find theirs also. 

Not only did he launch an incredible speaking career that's taken all over the world, he's zeroed-in on the art and science of connecting happiness to actions with The H(app)athon Project.


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