His first big audition wasn't just a no-go, as he explains on the show, he "failed so miserably". Still, because he was clear on what he wanted, he learned through his own trials, trips, and tense moments, how to turn them into game-changing, learning opportunities. And learn he did. In fact, he learned his way all the way from the local band scene to international stages and venues. He's played the skins for Tina Turner, Pink, and is currently on tour with the one and only Cher. A trifecta of entertainment within himself, the amazing Mark Schulman joins us and shares three essentials for top performers.

Need some new tricks for your sticks? Check out Mark's how-to-do-it guide - A Day in the Recording Studio

Two A-HA! moments Mark Schulman shares on the show

How you experience the "now" is how you control the future.
How to turn a double negative into a one positive goal. 

The advice he would give to his younger self

Don't just hear. Listen. 

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