Like a lot of well-intentioned, heart-centered, people do, she promised herself that "someday" she would write a book. Confident she had more to offer, but uncertain that her nursing background would transfer well (or at all) into the book-writing or entrepreneurial world, she pulled her resources, drummed up her courage, and came up with her own solution. Bestselling author, coach, and transformational speaker, Debra Kasowski joins us on the show to share practical steps for making the transition from occupation to empowering lifestyle.

A book she co-authored with Charmaine Hammond -  GPS your Best Life

Debra's biggest Entrepreneurial fear 

People won't see me as credible.

A thought that she kept getting tangled in

I didn’t see how my experience as a nurse could contribute to my entrepreneurial world.

Need ideas? Check out this book: The Entrepreneurial Mom's Guide to Growing a Business, Raising a Family, and Creating a Life You Love

Two A-HA moments Debra talks about on the show

Your hunger has to be strong enough to make any changes;

We have to unlearn a lot of thing that got us where we are.

Advice she would give her younger self

Don’t wait to chase after what’s burning in your guts;

You already have what it takes, step in and stretch yourself;

Take a chance, ask for what you want, and detach from the outcome.

Follow Debra on TwitterFacebook, and visit her site.

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