In his younger years, Chris struggled with career and life direction. In his own words, "I would quit before they fire me". Today, he is an expert in the field of human consciousness and is also deeply grounded in the practical world of business. Chris Attwood, co-author of the New York Times bestseller, The Passion Test - The Effortless Path to Discovering your Life Purpose, joins us on "ReLaunch".

Need help finding yours? Get your copy of The Passion Test and get in touch with what excites you.

Chris’ best advice and tips for ReLaunch!

Money-based decisions are never sustainable;
Nature and life will always guide you;
Consistently decide in favor of your passions;
Rank your top five passions, the rest will fall in place.

Incredible analogy and thoughtful explanation shared by Chris

Life, like breathing, is a series of expansions and contractions.

A ground-breaking event him - The Work by Byron Katie

Follow Chris on Twitter and Facebook.


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