If you've ever heard this man speak, you would quickly agree that Bob Burg  is one of the most gracious and thoughtful people that have ever graced a platform. The verbal mixture of sincerity and practicality softens any stage and endears the hearts of worldwide audiences. While it caught me off guard (he is one of my heroes in the speaking world), this wasn't always the case for him. Not by a long shot. On the show, The Go Giver himself, Bob Burg talks openly about his early-in-life battles with OCD (in his own words - debilitating), gossiping, and negativity. (My own personal commentary - Bob's willingness to be transparent and open about his struggles and personal ReLaunch! says more about him and his character than this interview could ever do.)

His greatest fear

Not living up to his potential.

One of the many books that helped Bob learn to live in gratitude

Guard your Tongue by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

If he could go back and give advise to his younger self

"Shut up and listen."

Other incredible business books by Bob Burg - Endless Referrals-3rd edition and Adversaries into Allies

Follow Bob Burg on Twitter and Facebook.


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