Michele Joy is the founder of Miracle Mindset where she helps people tap into the power of the Universe through the Law of Attraction and become Master Manifestors. 

She is also a Certified Soul Coach, Certified Happiness Coach, Licensed Heal Your Life Teacher and Law of Attraction expert and facilitator.  Her Podcast, "Law of Attraction in Action" has been heard by thousands and her video blog, "365 Days of Joy" has helped inspire many on the importance of taping into your Joy everyday. 

She is the author of "Thrive and Shine! How to Find Happiness When Life Falls Apart" and has inspired thousands through her speaking, coaching and online presence.


Website: http://www.michele-joy.com

My upcoming event Manifest Your Soulmate Online Group coaching course: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/manifest-your-soulmate-online-group-course-tickets-54317645540?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing

My Meetup: Law of Attraction for Happiness


My 365 Days of Joy YouTube channel:


Michele's podcast Law of Attraction in Action:


Michele's Facebook page:


Michele's IG page:


My book Thrive and Shine! How to Find Happiness When Life Falls Apart
