Happy Mon-yay! Back at it with the interviews and we got a good one lined up for you!

MyLinh Truong is an Asian American writer, entrepreneur and humanitarian, who seeks to create social impact as owner of Eyelysian Beauty Studio and Director of Branding (goPoké).  Raised in an underprivileged immigrant family, she learned at a young age how to leverage limitations to master life opportunities. When she's not empowering individuals through writing, beauty treatments or business marketing strategies, MyLinh is a passionate yogi who practices and leads  yoga events around Seattle area. In her spare time, she participates in non-profit organizations focused on social and economic inequities, anti-human trafficking and abuse as well as  social clubs focused on social equality and Women Entrepreneurship. She is passionate about encouraging others to appreciate their true beauty as it exists inside all of us.

Currently, MyLinh is committed to being the voice for those struggling with infertility. It is extremely difficult to come out, especially in the Asian community obsessed with the perfect image for fear of losing face. She is excited to break the cycle that abuses women struggling to get pregnant, and inspire those suffering in silence to remain strong. (You can follow this journey @fertility.by.love)

“‘Love is the greatest form of currency’ and it is the one thing that matters most in in the end.  All that matters is whether or not  we felt loved and made them feel loved in return.  How we treat others is a reflection of who we are deep inside. People will always remember how you made them feel. Love Always Wins.”


Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/love.mylinh