Happy Monday! Back at it with the interviews this week. Kicking it off with a bang as usual. We have the one and the only amazing Armando Cruz here to give us a repeat.

First guest to come back on the show! And so this will be a loaded episode!

Armando helps growth-minded, married men live happier, more connected, and more fulfilled lives through his immersive coaching program that guide them to show up powerfully in their marriage, in their health, in their business, and in creating their purposeful legacy. Armando’s unique approach helps strip away the clutter both internally and externally that stops men from showing up daily as the greatest and grandest version of who they are for themselves, their family, and their legacy.


Website – www.armandocruz.com/

Instagram – www.instagram.com/acruz3/

Facebook – www.facebook.com/armandocruz3

Twitter – twitter.com/armando_cruz

LEGACY CODE BOOK ON AMAZON - https://www.amazon.com/Legacy-Code-Modern-Obscurity-Unleashed/dp/1978015151/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8&pldnSite=1

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