Welcome back to another episode! Today we have a special guest by the name of Jackie Serviss. Certified Executive Coach and CEO/Founder of Unconditioned.

She is passionate about optimizing human potential. She knows that in today's rapid paced environment our abilities to show up as our truest authentic selves gets muddled by leaving our thoughts on "autopilot" that gives us the same results or experiences that we have already been through.

Jackie helps you uncover these areas by bringing conscious awareness to your limiting belief systems and conditioned behaviours so that it will allow you to shift your perspective to make empowered choices.

Need more help? She has a FREE 30 minute discovery call that will help you get clear and focused on what's ahead.


Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jackieserviss

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/js.unconditioned

Twitter - https://twitter.com/jackieserviss

Website - http://www.jackieserviss.com

FREE 30 Minute Call  - http://www.jackieserviss.com/#/coaching

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