Today's guest is super awesome and knowledgeable in so many areas and you will be doing yourself an injustice for not listening to the whole entire episode.

Renata Trebing is a food blogger, Mom-Preneur, Recipe-Creator Extraordinaire, and just an all around wonderful soul.

She believes eating healthy food can be delicious and she's giving the recipes away. So go follow her on social media, get her free recipe book (links below), and let her know what you thought about this episode.

We touched on so many topics including why her family was so influential into the work that she's putting out into the universe, along with the dynamic she had with her friends growing up.

How creating a strong bond and friendship with women, has helped opened up her eyes and drag her out of her comfort zone and so much more.

She also gave us some really key tips on making her marriage a success, so tune in, share this out with a friend if it resonated with you.


Renata's Website -


Her Book Reccomendation  -