Happy Monday! We are back at it with the interview this week! Make sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button so you can get automatic updates!

Olyvia Chac-Nguyen hails from the Pacific Northwest. She works at Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland, Oregon in Healthcare Administration. She is currently the Outreach & Curator Coordinator for Project Yellow Dress and the current Social Media intern for WOKE PDX. In her spare time, Olyvia loves traveling to new destinations, writing, igniting her foodie game, and keeping her coffee game strong.  

We talked about body positivity, vulnerability, walls that we put up, growing up in an Asian-American household, and why having a HIGH EQ means so much more than your IQ. We also talked about the writers' journey and how it helps us to heal, but helps others reading in to shed some light on some issues that people cannot articulate.


Olyvia's Insta -  https://www.instagram.com/chacopaco/

WOKE PDX - https://www.instagram.com/wokepdx/

Project Yellow Dress -  https://www.instagram.com/projectyellowdress/

Project AVA -  https://www.instagram.com/projectavaorg/

Olyvia's Medium Articles -  

