On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni continues the conversation from Part 1 of Will You Ever Be Able To Trust Your Betraying Partner Again?

Idit shares her helpful Why Stay Inventory to assist you in assessing if it is okay for you to stay in the relationship after infidelity. 

Together with Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov, they discuss the 4 vital categories along with a rating system to help you assess your confidence in each category.

Happy Holidays and Happy Year! We'll be back January 8th! 

Links mentioned in this episode: 

Episode 33: Will You Ever Be Able To Trust Your Betraying Partner Again? Part 1

To send us questions you'd like answered in a future podcast:

Please write your question in the following format and email [email protected] or [email protected]:

Type of relationship (marriage, dating, etc.) Length of relationship Your story + your question to us Remember, you will absolutely remain anonymous 

For more information about the podcast, Idit Sharoni, and Alina Gershonov visit:

