On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni sheds light on a situation many couples with infidelity issues deal with.

This episode offers a freebie: The Step By Step Overall Healing After Infidelity Plan.

After the initial phase of shock, couples try to avoid the pain and subconsciously sweep their issues under the rug in an effort to "forgive and forget."

Despite efforts to do so, the elephant in the room will rear its head unless something is done. Together with Alina Gershonov, Idit sheds light on how to work through this phase of infidelity recovery. 

You won't want to miss out on the freebie, The Step By Step Overall Healing After Infidelity Plan. It will offer additional help if you are feeling stuck. 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Freebie:  The Step By Step Overall Healing After Infidelity Plan

For more information about the podcast, visit www.iditsharoni.com