2023 may have been a great year for you – or perhaps is was quite rough. If it was a rough year, let's make 2023 the end of those difficulties and 2024 the start of a new era of joy. If it was a great year, let’s make 2024 even more amazing! Whatever your experience was in 2023, you definitely want 2024 to be awesome! John is here to share some life changing tips to make 2024 your best year. 

Listen to this episode to learn more:

[00:00] - Intro

[00:50] - Tips for making 2024 the best year 

[02:11] - Stay positive

[02:37] - Embrace gratitude

[03:33] - Incorporate more natural foods into your diet

[04:09] - Positive self-talk

[04:55] - Have a positive attitude in challenging situations

[06:06] - Get adequate sleep

[06:54] - Don’t chase success, focus on making a positive impact

[07:21] - Serve and love others

[07:42] - Live out your purpose

[08:23] - Appreciate the process

[09:52] - Read more books

[11:47] - Focus on joy, not happiness

[12:05] - View tasks as opportunities rather than obligations

[13:00] - Expect to fail more in 2024

[14:16] - Make time for relationships

[15:42] - Enjoy and make the most of 2024

[16:33] - Closing remarks


"All relationships are a risk, but they are never a waste."

"There's absolutely no such thing as an overnight success. Overnight successes happen years in the making."

"Trust that everything happens for a reason and expect good things to come out of difficult or challenging experiences."

"Rather than chasing success, make the choice to make a difference in the lives of other people. Because when you focus on making a difference in the lives of other people, success finds you."

"Smile and laugh more. Those are natural antidepressants."

“With faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.” 

“You don't have to be great to serve, but you have to serve to be great.”

"Expect to fail more in 2024. In fact, I hope you do. The only way we learn is when we fail."


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Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz - https://jeffscheetz.com/

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