Across these 3 episodes, Katie talks with Michelle Davis, faculty member and Director of Systemic Equity Initiatives at CRR Global, about supporting systemic equity. As humans, we have diversity – we think differently, hold different perspectives and ideas – that’s what makes us unique and different and should be celebrated. Once we start to create fear based upon those differences - we begin to dehumanize groups of people and lock them out of opportunities. This 3-part series builds along the lines of the 3-levels of intelligence (Emotional Intelligence EQ, Social Intelligence SI and Relationship System Intelligence RSI). In part 1, Katie and Michelle look at system 1, the me system and what's mine to do in relation to supporting systemic equity. Topics include:

Why supporting systemic equity starts with the self: how can we see where we are blind?Slowing down and getting curious about our unconscious driversThe impact of fearGetting to know the true nature of who we are.Making the unconscious conscious so that we can be more at choice around our reactions

Michelle Davis is a faculty member and Director of Systemic Equity Initiatives at CRR Global. Michelle’s professional journey has included a season of providing therapy, as a licensed professional counselor, to the most vulnerable among us; a season of developing and delivering experiential learning events that challenge and disrupt the status quo when the status quo no longer serves; and currently, a season providing leadership coaching as a certified organization and relationship systems coach and leading diversity, equity and inclusion efforts as a professor and director. In her work at the University of Colorado and previous experience working with systemic racism in other university systems, Michelle was the principal developer of a coaching program focused on Race Intelligence (RQ(™)). This program seeks to increase Race Intelligence by guiding others to increase their capacity to lean into discomfort with the intention of becoming aware of race and racism and its influence on oneself, others, and societal institutions; and use this increased intelligence or awareness consciously to dismantle intrapersonal mindsets, behaviors, and systemic representations of racism.  Michelle earned her master’s degree in counselling at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and, as well as being an ORSC-certified coach, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a trained Co-Active Coach, and a Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator.

For over 20 years, CRR Global has accompanied leaders, teams, and practitioners on their journey to build stronger relationships by focusing on the relationship itself, not only the individuals occupying it. This leads to a community of changemakers around the world. Supported by a global network of Faculty and Partners, we connect, inspire, and equip change agents to shift systems, one relationship at a time

We believe Relationship Matters, from humanity to nature, to the larger whole.