Thanks for joining me on the Relationship Fitness Podcast! Today’s episode focuses on two important topics. We are discussing what you need to understand about your relationship skills to take them from sucky to super successful. We’ll also break down the importance of giving and receiving feedback in constructive ways. Join me!

Fact: Your relationship will match up with your skills

If you have great relationship skills, your relationship will be great! Likewise, “just OK” relationship skills will yield a “just OK” relationship, and sucky relationship skills will only bring a sucky relationship. It’s not difficult to see the correlation. Realize that the honeymoon phase will not last forever, and if you don’t work at your relationship skills, you’ll find yourself in what I call “relationship drift.” This will take you into the dreaded stage of being “just OK.” The reason you have sucky relationship skills is because your parents had sucky relationship skills; unfortunately, those skills are passed on from generation to generation. 

Fact: You CAN improve your sucky relationship skills

The good news is that we can do better! How? Keep learning more about relationships. Watch my videos! Listen to and read what the experts say. Continue learning about love, relationships, and your partner, because the learning process never stops. Don’t let your learning and growth descend to a plateau, but keep pushing higher. None of us will ever arrive at the point where we know it all and perfectly understand the science of relationships, but we can keep trying!

Fact: Taking criticism is crucial

The success of your relationship doesn’t depend on how hard you work at it, but whether or not you’re working on it the right way. You may work really hard at something that irritates the heck out of your partner, but it’s pointless if you don’t understand each other. We have to get really good at giving and accepting critical feedback. Ask for feedback with questions like, “How can I improve?” Be willing to have candid conversations and don’t take criticism personally. It’s a 10x relationship skill!


***Leave me your comments. I want to hear your feedback about how you are giving and receiving criticism. Let’s help save the world--one relationship at a time!


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Mentioned in this episode: Love Sense by Dr. Sue Johnson

Not sure where to start your Relationship Fitness journey? Begin with my FREE eBook: How To 10X Your Relationship In ONE Conversation Get my bestselling paperback book "7 Secrets To An Extraordinary Relationship Your Parent Couldn't Teach You" here.

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P.S.S We’ll be on Spotify REAL soon!!