
Are you kidding me???


No! I’m not kidding…


I was watching this YouTube video where Jordan Belfort was sharing a ton of lessons learned from his past in business and…


As you all know I do, I reframed what he spoke about from a business standpoint and put it thru my Gemini brain, and synergized (boy I just luv that word! ) what he said into some boss relationship advice.


Jordan if you ever see this, and I hope you do, and I thank you for making that video/speech, whatever…but please know that your business advice, synergized, has helped thousands of men level up their relationship!


What I synergize in this episode:

A major in relationships: mental and physiological state management What type of figure are you in your relationship? The effect of the A.N.T.’s


Remember, you're just one conversation away from leveling up your relationship, 




Get my bestselling book "7 Secrets To An Extraordinary Relationship Your Parent Couldn't Teach You" here.


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P.S. Check out my new channel on Locals.com at Relationshipfitness.Locals.com where I'm posting exclusive #RelationshipFitness content you won't see or hear anywhere else.


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