Previous Episode: Worth Sh!t

Text the Critellis HERE

Fathers of three, Justin and Chris (@twodapperdads) are this week’s #QueerRelationshipGoals. Not only do these guys spend the time being incredible parents and husbands, but they make sure they are dapper AF while doing it. Check them out on IG and show them some Relationsh!t love! Then, the guys sit down to talk about how relocating for love can deeply affect the future of a relationship if not discussed properly. Before booking the U-Haul, have you talked about what changing your zip code will mean later down the line? And, if you move to be with the “love of your life”, are we to assume you will be living together or apart? All this and more on this week’s episode.


SELF | 16 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Moving For Love

Shit to Put On Your Radar:

Relationsh!t Episode Review - Tell us what episode of tv has a representation of queer relationships (good or bad) that Marko and Tony should talk about on the podcast.“Marry Me” - Benjy Bradshaw’s new song and music video for his new single “Marry Me’ featuring TooMfKnGucci is out now! Click here to watch and support.IG LIVE - Join Marko and Tony on Thursday, May 4th to discuss the week’s topic and spend some time with the guys!

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And follow Marko and Tony on Instagram (@thecritellis) if you want a BTS look into their relationship and adventures!