This Biblical Research Project is significant, because it looks at whether there is any proof that Jesus Is without sin. It looks at whether He was tempted to sin like others or had a charmed life where it was easy to be without sin. I analyze Biblical records of Jesus giving His life to save sinners. There is a wealth of Biblical evidence on this topic, which is significant in and of itself!  That means there were lots of people who were eyewitnesses and witnesses of a selfless Savior, Jesus Christ, who was without sin and chose not to sin, who gave His life as a one time atonement for our sin, arose from the grave and 40 days later ascended into heaven, so that all who believe He is our Savior can one day go to heaven to join Him. You can find this Biblical Research Project in its entirety on either of these two blogs I felt led to create: Biblical Proof! at and on Do Biblical Inconsistencies Really Matter? at Please share this podcast and blog links with those you think might benefit. Thanks! Debbie