Last month, I was honoured to be one of the speakers at TEDx Newnham.

It was great to be part of a day of inspiring talks by brilliant women (and a man!) who are in some way connected to my old college, or that area of Cambridge. The theme was Embracing Challenge, and I was particularly pleased to see a theme from my talk running through the day - the value of vulnerability. A number of speakers highlighted this in their own way. Personally, I spoke about how I had always been proud of being clever and rational, and not at all emotional, and how I came to realise that it is possible to be rational and emotional, and in fact, my emotions are what make my life worth living, so they're pretty great.

Please watch the film of the talk, and share it with anyone you think could benefit from the ideas I'm exploring :)

You can watch all of the talks from TEDx Newnham HERE.