Special Needs Homeschooling is a topic that is discussed more now than ever. No longer are parents under the impression that they can’t homeschool a child who needs extra help, but many are actually bringing home children who do have special needs. When we brought one of our children home, we did so because we […]

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Special Needs Homeschooling is a topic that is discussed more now than ever. No longer are parents under the impression that they can’t homeschool a child who needs extra help, but many are actually bringing home children who do have special needs.

When we brought one of our children home, we did so because we knew this child was struggling and the only way they would receive help would be when they began failing. We decided that was not in the best interest of our child. So, we began homeschooling one of our three. At the end of that first year, all three of our children were at home and we are now entering our 6th year of homeschooling.

On Today’s show, Jennifer Janes shares how she began homeschooling and realized the needs of both of her daughters. Each one created in the image of God and for His purpose and both with special needs that has grown Jennifer over the years.

I remember talking with Jennifer several years ago as she began to realize the needs her children had then. We prayed together, talked through possibilities and it was wonderful watching her begin the journey of being an advocate for her girls. I pray you will listen to this podcast and be inspired. Jennifer’s desire is to equip and encourage any parent who has a child with special needs. She writes about their journey on her blog JenniferAJanes.Com and welcomes questions through comments, Facebook, or email.

You can find Jennifer through: Her Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter

The post Homeschooling Children with Special Needs appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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