Previous Episode: Episode 3--ROADTRIP!!!

All taken by my dear friend and traveling companion, Lisa.

Hittin' the road on good ol' NJ 31

First step into a larger world: Crossin' the Delaware!

"I'm in a state of P-fuckin'-A!"

Mercury Retrograde at work!  Thankfully, this was the biggest problem he caused.

We crossed the Atlantic many times :p

PA Dutch country in Lancaster. This is a more interesting version of what we saw during a good portion of our trip. SO MUCH CORN!

Lancasterrrrrrr!  This is an adorable town.  You should visit it.

The War Memorial in Lancaster.

More War Memorial.

Public pianos in Lancaster!  It was adorable.

More piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiano.  The notice on it asks you not to play after 10pm, because all of us employed people need to sleep.

More Lancaster.  I don't know why Lisa took this picture, but she probably had a good reason.  Also, I probably stood there like a dork and took several minutes of footage of this one street.  I'm a dork.

Lancaster is tiny, but it has modern sensibilities.

Lancaster also has lots of beautiful old churches.

These kids saw us filming and called us over.  We had a cute conversation.  The youngest one is out of the frame here.  They were waiting for the bus to Bible School.  Also, they asked if Lisa was my girlfriend, which shouldn't've been funny, but it was.

This church is amazing on the inside.

I told you so :p  Also, the organist who was practicing sounded amazing.

Oddly enough, this was in a town called Railroad.  We were lost.

Trails in Spring Valley Park, which is impossible to find without a York County map. It's near/part of Rehmeyer's Hollow.

It was a lovely hike.  This is probably the cutest I looked throughout the entire trip.  Because I'm attempting to stand up straight and you can't see my shamefully scruffy face.

More of the park.  It's beautiful.

Artistic shot!

An actual red phone booth!  Wow!

Mercury Retrograde at work (along with our tax dollars).

Small towns. This was kind of large, actually, compared to most of the towns we went through in VA and NC.

The War Memorial in Leonardtown.

More Leonardtown.  While we didn't go searching for this legend, this was the home town of Moll Dyer, who was accused of witchcraft in the latter part of the 1600s, and froze to death in the woods nearby after being run out of town.  A stone allegedly bearing her hand or knee prints was recovered from the woods and placed in front of the courthouse.

Salvaged Civil War cannon in Leonardtown.

On the road again.

The scenery was sooooo beautiful.  There was just a lot of it.

IT ACTUALLY EXISTS!  ...I believe this was in NC.

Saw these in NC.  To me, they look like more or less preserved sharecroppers' houses.

Some were in better shape than others.

Anachronistic gas pump ahoy!

Jersey driver just pumpin' that gas.  I look like a huge dickhead.  But this was a pretty cool gas station.

Lots of old houses on this trip.

The Outer Banks.  It's like going home.

The water was actually quite warm and calm on that day.  It was also low tide when we were there.

Me again, slouching because I'm graceless and my back was trying to secede and form its own CSA.

The lovely Lisa, grateful that we're out of the bloody car, and also that we're by the water.  She is such a saint of patience.

Currituck Sound.

More Currituck Sound, with seagulls.

Part II coming tomorrow (electricity permitting). Blogspot just vomited and deleted about half of the post, and I'm too tired to fix it. But enjoy these pictures! I hope they will make my rambly narrative more exciting <.<