Previous Episode: Reish Rambling promo!

 I'm not dead yet! I know I said about two months ago that there'll be a new episode any day now, but this time it's for real. I have segments recorded and everything. I'm a big boy now! I can run a podcast! Moum! I can roun arcoss the porp!  I did change my mind about the topic, though.  Because it's that most witchiful time of the year (please don't kill me for that), I decided to put off talking about prayer (promise it's not an Inciting a Prayerful Riot clone!), and reflect on a few Samhainy, Halloweeny, [Pagan] New Yearish stuff.  Also, you get to hear about how I was super sick in September, and how I run a club, and how boys are stupid.  So, yeah.

Also, Fire Lyte from over at Inciting a Riot has, with his Ep59--Inciting a Motivated Riot, inspired me to do my own Do the Stuff Challenge.  My theme is Spiritual and Physical Fitness!  My base goals for the coming six months are

Perform a ritual for EVERY sabbat, full moon, and new moon
Maintain my altars properly: don't let the holy water run out, make sure the candles are fresh, make offerings at least once a week (probably on Sunday, my least busy day)
Meditate at least thrice weekly
Hit the gym at least three times a week.  I know what I gotta do, so I gotta just bloody do it!
Eat healthily: balanced meals, homemade bread, minimal [HF]CS and processed foods
Eat enough: three big meals, with plenty of healthy snacking in between

I've just now cleansed and rededicated my altars, and also rededicated myself, so here we go!  It'll be a ride, for sure!  I'll post updates here, along with episodes.  Hope you'll come along with me for the ride!

Also, Good Samhain to all y'all who reckon it by the moon!  For the rest of us on the solar calendar, Good Be-earlied Samhain!  Blessed be!