Julien McRoberts took decades to discover the common thread behind all of her reinventions.
“It was that I’ve been producing my whole life!” That was the ah-ha moment that stitched together her early years in L.A. as a casting director, a decade of running animal shelters, and 12 very successful years as a top-flight print photographer (check out her website at JulienMcRoberts.com (https://julienmcroberts.com/).
McRoberts tells Lesley Jane Seymour, founder of CoveyClub, that as print publishing fell apart, she had to pivot again, investing $3,000 in a coach to find “internal change”.  “Once I changed my mindset, I got control back,” she says. Now McRoberts markets her photography and producing skills in a new way to create packages for all kinds of clients with visual and content needs. “Being stuck meant I wasn’t pushing myself or trusting in myself,” she says. “I’m packaging the producing and becoming more vertical.”