"All the things I loved about being a therapist got overshadowed by the pain," says Sarah Fruehling, "I wish I actually didn't know people were capable of treating another human being like that." Despite a successful career as a mental health therapist that spanned over 20 years, Fruehling found herself burned out from the trauma she was exposed to through her work. At the height of her career she knew it was time for a reinvention. That was when a timely conversation with an old friend changed everything. Listen in to this enlightening conversation with CoveyClub founder Lesley Jane Seymour to hear how Fruehling used her entrepreneurial skills to reinvent from her private therapy practice to become a master level coach. She'll share the tools she used to find her calling and the steps you can take to launch yourself into a successful, thriving coaching career.

Sarah Fruehling has achieved the highest level of Mastery in the field of Coaching as one of the few Master Certified Coach (MCC) in the world. Only .03% of coaches are MCCs, so they're a rare gem! That's why a Fortune 20 company came to her when they needed help creating engaged, fulfilled and passionate leaders. Her clients go deeper and are on the fast track to change. WebsiteFacebookLinkedInYouTube  

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