LeeAnn Marie Webster's life is truly a one-woman show. Multiple reinventions took her through a series of careers that include lawyer, speed dating event owner, and business coach. Next week she will add "star of the stage" to her list. Her autobiographical stage production, "Fancy Meeting Me Here", which plays at Chicago's Den Theatre from June 22-24, recounts her journey of coping with the loss of her brother when she was a child, searching for her calling, and the personal transformation that happened along the way. In this conversation with CoveyClub founder Lesley Jane Seymour, Webster shares the hard-won lessons of reinventing across the years and explains why she refused to stay in a professional box. "I want to do something that makes my heart sing," she says. "The more women can tap into their story and inspire and encourage others...the better the world is."

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About LeeAnn Marie Webster

LeeAnn Marie Webster is the creator of No Regrets Formula™, host of the Full Self Expression Forum, and star of Fancy Meeting Me Here, an autobiographical stage show. She is an attorney turned international keynote speaker, Moth Story Slam winner, and entrepreneur with 20+ years’ experience in marketing and business development. LeeAnn guides accomplished women leaders to live with no regrets so that they can have more impact, fulfillment & fun.  LeeAnn is also an Ironman® finisher and she recently summited Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro

Connect with LeeAnn Marie Webster







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