Business was a driving focus for Christine Bader from a young age. Growing up in Manhattan with two parents both working in corporate America, she followed their lead and received her MBA from Yale. Community interest was also a focus for her, working both with AmeriCorps and in NYC government to support misplaced youth. Bader enjoyed serving in communities that needed support, but when John Browne, then-CEO of BP, spoke to her business class in 1998, Bader knew she’d found her company. She went on to work for BP for eight years and fell in love. But then the Deepwater Horizon explosion spilled over 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and everything changed. 


Bio: Christine calls herself a “Thought leader, community/program builder, consigliere/facilitator/advisor/evangelist on all things business and society.” She is the Co-Founder, Storyteller, The Life I


Key Links:
Christine’s Book: The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist When Girl Meets Oil.


Her website: Storyteller, The Life I


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[00:03:02.650] Falling in love with her job in sustainability at British Petroleum, BP.
[00:07:52.990] Working on human rights and community issues in Indonesia
[00:14:27.820] What happens when the Deepwater Horizon rig explodes
[00:17:35.210] Writing her book: The Evolution of A corporate Idealist When Girl Meets Oil
[00:26:13.140] Quitting Amazon and giving up the identity she’d worked to build for 20 years
[00:26:45.040] Moving the family to Bali
[00:35:50.140] Christine’s 3 best steps for people transitioning from corporate life (plus one you’ve never heard before)


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