Being a parent of young teenagers is rarely easy and in an age with smartphones and the internet, it seems to be getting harder. In this podcast, George and Rachel discuss what ideas can help us protect our teens while not wanting to fall into the trap of overprotecting them.


Here’s what was covered:

• [2:00] The dangers that smart phones can bring to your teens.
• [3:30] When is the right time to educate your children about peer group pressure?
• [4:00] Creative ways of approaching teens without hurting their feelings.
• [6:40] Rachel shares how she would approach her future daughter in dealing with their feelings.
• [9:00] The importance of expanding awareness to protect your child.
• [10:30] Playing Russian roulette with decisions
• [13:20] How your child can learn from other people’s experience.


You may also want to listen to:
• Understanding and dealing with bullying


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