Anyone in this situation is aware of how it can be awkward and confusing.  In this podcast George and Rachel discuss how this occurs and how to deal with it.

Here’s what was covered:

How do you know that the connection you feel to your partner is there? [1:20] What kind of conversations do you want to have that are very important to you? [2:35] How to make them express everything you want to hear? [5:15] Phase 1: Letting them know that you care about them [5:30] Phase 2: The Power of rich conversations [08:15] Phase 3: Opening up and making progress [10:10] Why the 3rd phase becomes the risky phase [16:00] And much more!

Mentioned in the Podcast:

The Sociopath Part 1 and Part 2 "Happy Wife - Crappy Life"

You may also want to listen:

Why you can and should believe in MAGIC! Inspiring Change in a Relationship Facing Hard Questions in a Relationship

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