Welcome to Episode #3 with Marco Stephano.

I had the privilege today of welcoming Marco to the show.  His life has been filled with many chapters of extreme challenge all the way to rebuilding himself from the ground up.  As Marco shared, his metaphor around his "life sword" being shaped by his incredible life experiences was a golden moment for anyone suffering from anxiety, depression, etc.  Hope is the foundation, then it's all about "action to traction" as he shared!!

Marco's Summary Bio:

1.  He is a passionate, well-rounded Life and Mentor Coach and aspiring Motivational Speaker/ Writer

2.  After navigating a difficult childhood, overcoming personal challenges, surviving trauma and hitting rock bottom, he has dedicated his life to helping men and women to rise and thrive even in crisis

3.  He is also laser focused toward igniting their passion to live out their mission through his programs which includes vocation discovery, leadership impact, personal change, relationship growth and performance improvement

MARCO's Contact Details:

Website: www.marcostephano.com  

Instagram: coach.marcostephano  

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcostephano/

BOB RODGERS Contact Details:

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