Tonight we say farewell to Cinder, and a big hello to the wonderful Sirius who will be taking over in her place. We also have a big chat about some of the things to come in patch 7.3 which has just hit the PTR- so BIG SPOILER WARNING!

Message from Cinder - just a huge thank you and much love to all of the lovely listeners who have put up with my rambling over the past 70 episodes. Thank you to Spazz for choosing me be a part of this amazing podcast, and thank you to Sirius for always being such a darling with her amazing artwork and her beautiful heart. <3 

Here are some links we talked about during the show:

Some of the new mounts coming in 7.3 -
The incredible fan-made Naxxramus trailer -
Patch 7.3 interview with Jesse Cox, Crendor and Ion Hazzikostas -
The AMAZING Orisa cosplay! -

Download episode 70 from iTunes or Stitcher. You can watch future episodes live on twitch at or watch this and past episodes on YouTube.

Share your mount/toy/achievement collection stories, pics and questions – @reinsofazeroth or [email protected], or check out our Patreon page.

Thank you to Sirius for our wonderful twitch artwork! To see more of Sirius’ art or to commission her, visit her website at, or check out our Art page. If you want a custom badge or lanyard for blizzcon, or any other con, you can find our resident Art Gremlin, Sirius, and a whole bunch of other amazing artists and lanyard makers at

Tonight we say farewell to Cinder, and a big hello to the wonderful Sirius who will be taking over in her place. We also have a big chat about some of the things to come in patch 7.3 which has just hit the PTR- so BIG SPOILER WARNING!

Message from Cinder - just a huge thank you and much love to all of the lovely listeners who have put up with my rambling over the past 70 episodes. Thank you to Spazz for choosing me be a part of this amazing podcast, and thank you to Sirius for always being such a darling with her amazing artwork and her beautiful heart.

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