Tonight we go back to basics with a guide specifically for new mount collectors. We also have 2 (TWO!!!) 6 month premium wowhead subscriptions thanks to the kind folk at Wowhead. You'll have to listen to the show to find out how to win one for yourself.

Wowhead guide to getting the Amani Battle Bear from Zul'Gurub  -
Wowhead guide to getting Lorewalkers faction to exalted for a Disc of the Red Flying Cloud -

Check out some new merchandise heading your way soon (thanks to our lovely art gremlin, Sirius!

Download episode 65 from iTunes or Stitcher. You can watch future episodes live on twitch at or watch this and past episodes on YouTube.

Share your mount/toy/achievement collection stories, pics and questions – @reinsofazeroth or [email protected], or check out our Patreon page.

Thank you to Sirius for our wonderful twitch artwork! To see more of Sirius’ art or to commission her, visit her website at, or check out our Art page. If you want a custom badge or lanyard for blizzcon, or any other con, you can find our resident Art Gremlin, Sirius, and a whole bunch of other amazing artists and lanyard makers at

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